But it would appear that now it's become, quite simply, a steaming pile of virtual poop. So, I'm taking this post to re-invent my blog.
That's right bitches, it's Buggery 2.0, and it's fucking on! Yeeeeaaaaawwwww! There'll be more buggery than Sean Connery's slurring cock has ever seen. There'll be more Fondling than Michael Jackson at a day care center. There's going to be more fucking Lord than Jesus fuck me right in the metal plate in my head Christ himself. Oh yeah! There's going to be so much superawesomefantasticawesomeness you'll think you got skull fucked and died, then fell into a bed of yummy tropical fruit-flavored skittles.
Actually, no, there won't be any of that. I'm not reinventing anything. Because I simply couldn't give a flying fat fuck. And to do so would cut clinically significantly into drinky drinky time, and there will certainly be none of that. So, fuck all that.
Hey, if a retard fell off the short bus, will I still like cake?

Buggery 2.0 made my system crash.
I think it needs to be debuggeried.
damn.... am I witty or what?
le bruce bruce: you've got more wit than a witless writer. and i should know.
rob: you're sweet, yummy musings a la kb are most impressive. is there a sf-coded term for anal leakage?
You just sank my jengaship with that post. And I think you dropped the bomb on me too. Any opportunity to throw a Gap Band reference in should not be avoided in Buggery 2.0. Seriously, get down on it and Wang Chung tonight.
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